டோடோ பறவை நமக்கு விட்டுச் சென்ற செய்தி என்ன?
"டோடோ” என்ற சொல்லுக்கு ஆங்கில அகராதி அறிவற்றவன் என்று பொருள் தருகிறது. ’டோடோ’ என்பது வெறும் சொல் மட்டும் அல்ல. அது ஒரு பறவையையும் குறிக்கும் ஒரு பெயர். ‘டோடோ போல் சாகாதே” (as dead as dodo) என்று ஆங்கிலத்தில் ஒரு பழமொழி உண்டு. இதற்குப்பின்னே ஒரு வருத்தமான நிகழ்வு இருக்கிறது. அந்த நிகழ்வை உங்களுக்கும் சொல்ல வேண்டும். நம் சந்ததிக்கும் தெரியப்படுத்த வேண்டும். அந்த நிகழ்வு என்ன? அதைத் தெரிந்து கொள்வோமா!. அதற்கு நாம் ஐநூறு ஆண்டுகள் பின்நோக்கிச் செல்லவேண்டும்…..
(அப்போது உண்மையில் என்ன நடந்தது என்பது நமக்கு முழுமையாகத் தெரியாது. என்னதான் நடந்திருக்கும் என்று யோசித்துப் பார்த்தபோது எழுந்த ஒரு கற்பனைக்காட்சி…..)
Sensitising tourists to dangers facing vultures
In order to sensitise tourists to the threats facing vulture populations across the country, an awareness board was erected by conservation group, Arulagam, with the support of the Tirupur Information Technology Association (TITA) at Kodanad view point on Sunday. “There are three species of vultures which are regularly sighted at Moyar, Ebbanad and Kodanad area - white backed vulture, red-headed vulture and long-billed vulture. All of them are critically endangered. This board was erected to commemorate the 4th year of the bike rally for the cause of vulture conservation,” said S. Bharathidasan, secretary of Arulagam.
The awareness board was unveiled by honorary wildlife warden, C. Badrasamy.
Vultures find new nesting sites in Ebbanad, Kodanad slopes
‘The reasons for the vultures abandoning their traditional nesting grounds still needs to be studied’
While researchers and conservationists continue to study the reasons for two species of vultures found in the Nilgiris abandoning one of their prime nesting grounds in the Sigur plateau since 2016, researchers have seen an increase in nesting activity along the slopes of Ebbanad and Kodanad, indicating that the birds could have established new nesting colonies since being forced to leave.
B. Ramakrishnan, an assistant professor from the department of wildlife biology, Government Arts College, Udhagamandalam, who has been studying the nesting habits of the four species found here – the white rumped vulture, red headed or Asian king vulture, long-billed vulture and the Egyptian vulture
since 2011, said that he had first noticed a decline in nesting by the white rumped and long-billed vultures in 2014, and stated that by 2016, the entire area had been abandoned.
“As Siriyur was among five nesting grounds in the Sigur plateau which we had discovered and were studying, it was of course a matter of concern,” said Mr. Ramakrishnan, stating that the reasons for the vultures abandoning their traditional nesting grounds still needs to be studied. “It's easy to try and draw a conclusion that they moved away due to human disturbance, but there could be a whole lot of factors which need to be thoroughly understood, so that we can reach a conclusion as to why the colony was abandoned,” he added.
S. Bharathidasan, Secretary of Arulagam, a conservation group working towards the protection of vultures, said that from his own observation, it seemed likely that the birds had abandoned the nesting site in Siriyur, and had instead begun colonising the slopes of Ebbanad and Kodanad, possibly because there was lesser human interference in these regions.
“It is difficult to say with certainty whether that is the case, but it does seem likely,” said Mr. Bharathidasan, who said that both white-rumped as well as long-billed vultures are known to nest in Ebbanad, while long-billed vultures are known to nest primarily in Kodanad.
Though the Egyptian vulture is known to nest predominantly in parts of Karnataka, the search for the nesting sites of the incredibly rare red-headed vulture or the Asian king vulture, of which less than 20 individuals are known to be found in the Nilgiris, continues.
Mr. Ramakrishnan said that though they have heard rumours of nesting sites in the Sigur plateau, he himself has not personally seen any thus far. Though critically endangered, the population of red-headed vultures has stabilised over the last few years in the Sigur plateau.
Legal Battle to remove the stay on the ban on Multi Dose Vials of Diclofenac
The drug controller general, government of India had banned the veterinary use of diclofenac in the way back on July 4th, 2008. It sparked fresh hopes for the survival of the critically-endangered vulture species, the nature’s clean-up crew! But the drug was still available in large multi-dose vials of 30 ml labeled ‘not for veterinary use’, facilitating the illegal veterinary use of the drug, which caused a further decline in vulture populations. To avoid this, the Ministry of health and family welfare, Government of India, passed a blanket ban on multi-dose vials (MDV) of diclofenac, through a notification issued on July 17, 2015. But, this ban was challenged by a pharmaceutical company and the stay was issued on 29th December 2017 by the Madras High Court. It took 2 years for the hearings to be completed and a judgment for upholding the ban was passed by the High Court in 23rd October 2017 which reinstated the sense of hope to vulture conservation.
கால்நடை விவசாயிகள் கருத்தரங்கம் நிகழ்ச்சி
தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை மருத்துவ பல்கலைகழகம் கால்நடை பல்கலைகழக பயிற்சி மற்றும் ஆராய்ச்சி மையம் கோயம்புத்தூர் மற்றும் தமிழ்நாடு கால்நடை வளர்ச்சி முகமை (தேசிய கால்நடை இனவிருத்தி திட்டம் ) நிதியுடன் நடத்தப்படும் தமிழகத்தின் கறவை மாடுகளில் இனபெருக்கத் திறனை அதிகரிததலுக்கான தீவன வழிமுறைகள் விவசயிகளுக்கான வழிகாட்டுதல் கருத்தரங்க நிகழ்ச்சி சரவணம்பட்டியில் உள்ள எஸ் எம் எஸ் மஹாலில் நடந்தது. இந்த நிகழ்ச்சியில் விவசாயிகள் கலந்துகொண்டனர்
Flying High Again: Getting Vultures Back in the Sky in Southern India
- An anti-inflammatory drug administered to cattle contributed to the deaths of more than 97 percent of three vulture species in the region, leaving the once common Asian vulture one of the most endangered birds in the world.
- Government bans on the drug helped stopped the deaths, but restoring the population is an uphill battle.
- Through the World Bank-supported Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, a project in the Western Ghats area of southern India is helping revive one of the last viable wild populations of Indian vulture
A few years ago, Subbiah Bharathidasan realized he wasn’t seeing vultures circling the skies anymore. Having grown up in a leather manufacturing town in southern India, he was used to seeing large numbers of the scavenging birds which were attracted by animal carcasses.
When he looked into it, Bharathi, as he is known, discovered that vulture populations right across India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan had gone into catastrophic decline in the late 1990s.
The cause proved to be a veterinary anti-inflammatory drug called Diclofenac, administered to cattle to reduce joint pain so that ageing animals would keep working. When cattle died with the drug still in their systems, vultures that ingested their flesh died in vast numbers from renal failure. Three vulture species crashed, with losses of between 97 and 99 percent of their populations. As a result, Asian vultures - once very common - fell into the ranks of the most endangered birds in the world.
An uphill task
With the alarm raised, governments across South Asia banned Diclofenac in 2006. Slowly, populations have been starting to recover but it’s an uphill battle - especially as some livestock owners are illegally using the human version of Diclofenac to relieve pain and inflammation in their animals. The human version of the drug still has fatal consequences for vultures.
Through the World Bank-supported Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, Bharathi is now leading a project in the Western Ghats area of southern India where one of the last viable wild populations of Indian vultures resides on the banks of the Moyar River.
M. Sivakumar
Forest Ranger, Madumalai Tiger ReserveBharathi travels from village to village in the state of Tamil Nadu recruiting volunteers to his "Vulture Brigades" and spreading the word about the dangers of Diclofenac. Crowds flock to the travelling puppet show about vultures that he helped create with local artists. The Vulture Brigades spread the word about Diclofenac and importantly, monitor local vulture communities - watching nests, counting breeding pairs and reporting any signs of fatalities through exposure to Diclofenac.
In just two years, Bharathi has managed to inspire and recruit 36,000 volunteers across the state - and their numbers continue to grow.
At Anaikatty village, Bharathi has persuaded the highly successful village volleyball team to join the Vulture Brigade. At a recent CEPF visit to the village, the volleyball team and other members of the community crammed into a communal hall to discuss the vulture issue with Bharathi, Jack Tordoff from CEPF and the World Bank’s biodiversity specialist Valerie Hickey.
Gauging Effectiveness of Drug Ban
Vulture watchers in the village fill out data sheets, documenting the number and sub-species they observe as well as the types of carcasses they see vultures feeding on. All the information is collected and provided to the State Forest Department and used to gauge the effectiveness of the Diclofenac ban.
Close by, in the Madumalai Tiger Reserve, M. Sivakumar - a ranger with the Forest Department for the past 14 years - has also become a keen vulture watcher. Each day, he combs the area for sightings of tiger, elephant and the native 'bison' called Gaur. He is alarmed by the crash in vulture numbers and so, takes a special interest in the riverside location where a small population appears to be doing well.
“I worry about the decline of the vultures,” he says. “They have a right to live in this world just like us. And without them, carcasses of dead animals are left to rot and maybe spread disease into the waterways.” In recent times, his teams have been forced to bury the carcasses of wild animals like elephants which once would have been quickly dealt with by vultures.
The CEPF project is one of many across the region aimed at rebuilding vulture populations. Recent research of vulture populations in Pakistan by the Peregrine Fund indicates that banning Diclofenac has had a major impact on populations there. In the country’s largest known breeding colony of long-billed vultures in south-east Pakistan, numbers of birds have increased by 55 percent since the ban became effective.
Bharathi, whose travels also take him as far away as New Delhi to lobby ministers and parliamentarians on the need to save vultures, says he does it for his children. “I want to do everything I can to pass on to them a beautiful world,” he says. “This is the only asset that I can give to my children and this society.”
He is sure that before too long, vultures will be back in large numbers, circling the skies once more.
Wildlife Article Count: 42
Vulture Conservation Article Count: 27
River Moyar Conservation Article Count: 6
Tiger Conservation Article Count: 3
Renewable Energy Article Count: 1
Petitions Article Count: 1
Publications Article Count: 1
Articles Article Count: 21
Community Article Count: 12
Nursery and Afforestation Article Count: 7
Coastal Conservation Article Count: 1
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