சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் இயற்கை, அகம்,புறம்,ஏறு தழுவுதல் உட்பட பிற செய்திகள் - பயிலரங்கம்
நாள்: 29-01-2017 ஞாயிற்றுக் கிழமை
நேரம்: காலை 9.30 மணி முதல் 4 மணிவரை
இடம்: மண்டல அறிவியல் மையக் கலைஅரங்கம், கொடிசியா வழி, அவினாசி சாலை, கோயமுத்தூர்
நடத்துநர்: திருமதி வைதேகி ஹெர்பர்ட் அவர்கள்
ஆசியுரை: சுவாமி குமரகுருபரர், அவர்கள், கௌமார மடாலயம்
வாழ்த்துரை: திரு. பா.நா.காளிமுத்து அவர்கள் சங்க இலக்கியத்தில்
பறவைகள்: முனைவர். க.இரத்னம்
நன்றியுரை: சு.பாரதிதாசன்
ஒருங்கிணைப்பு: அருளகம் (இயற்கைப் பாதுகாப்பு அமைவனம்)
முன்பதிவு அவசியம், தொடர்புக்கு; 9486455399 & 9843211772
சங்க இலக்கியப் பயிலரங்கம் அருளகம் அமைப்பு ஏற்பாடு
அனைவரும் சங்கப் பாடல்களை புரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்ற நோக்கோடு சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் இயற்கை, அகம்,புறம்,ஏறு தழுவுதல் உட்பட பிற செய்திகள் என்ற தலைப்பில் பயிலரங்கம் ஒன்றை வருகின்ற 29-01-2017 ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை அன்று அருளகம் அமைப்பு ஏற்பாடு செய்துள்ளது. கோயமுத்தூர் மண்டல அறிவியல் மையத்தில் (கொடிசியா செல்லும் வழி) ஏற்பாடு செய்யப்பட்டுள்ள இந்நிகழ்வில் அமெரிக்கா வாழ் தமிழரான வைதேகி ஹெர்பர்ட் சிறப்புரையாற்றவிருக்கிறார். கௌமார மடாலய குமரகுருபர சுவாமிகள் ஆசியுரை வழங்க பா.நா.காளிமுத்து வாழ்த்துரை வழங்குகிறார். சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் பறவைகள் பற்றி க.ரத்னம் கலந்துரையாடவிருக்கிறார். சங்க இலக்கியத்தைப் படிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற ஆர்வம் உள்ளவர்கள் இதில் கலந்து கொண்டு பயன்பெறலாம்.
முன்பதிவு அவசியம் தொடர்புக்கு; 9486455399 & 9843211772
வைதேகி ஹெர்பர்ட் பற்றி
தமிழகத்தின் தூத்துக்குடியைச் சேர்ந்த வைதேகி ஹெர்பர்ட் தற்போது அமெரிக்காவில் 40 ஆண்டுகளாக வாழ்ந்து வருபவர் . சங்க இலக்கியங்களின் அழகால் ஈர்க்கப்பட்டு 18 சங்க நூல்களையும் ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழி பெயர்த்துள்ளார். மேலும் பதினென்கீழ்க்கணக்கில் உள்ள 6அக நூல்களையும், திருக்குறளையும்,, 6 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் முத்தொள்ளாயிரம் என்ற நூலையும், 7 ஆம்நூற்றாண்டின் பாண்டிக்கோவையையும் மொழிபெயர்த்துள்ளார். மொழிபெயர்ப்பில் முதலில் தமிழ்ப்பாடலை வழங்கி, பிறகு ஆங்கில மொழிபெயர்ப்பையும், பிறகு பதம் பிரித்து பொருள் தரும் முறையைக் கையாண்டுள்ளார். பல பேர் செய்ய வேண்டிய இப்பணியினைத் தனி ஒருவராக தனது கடுமையான உழைப்பினாலும் விடாமுயற்சியாலும் தன்னலம் பாராது தவம் போலச் செய்து வருகிறார்.
தமிழ்த் துறை சாராத அனைத்து மக்களும் சங்கத்தமிழ் படித்து இன்புற வேண்டும் என்ற நோக்கோடு செயல்பட்டுவரும் இவர் சங்க இலக்கிய அகராதி ஒன்றையும் உருவாக்கியுள்ளார். வெறும் புத்தகங்களோடு முடங்கிவிடாமல் அனைவருக்கும் போய்ச்சேர வேண்டும் என்ற நோக்கில் அனைத்தையும் வலைத் தளத்தில் பதிவிட்டும் வருகிறார். அமெரிக்காவில் உள்ள புகழ்பெற்ற ஹார்வேர்டு பல்கலைக் கழகத்தில் தமிழ் இருக்கை அமைக்கவும் அயராது பாடுபட்டு வருகிறார். கூடுதல் விவரங்களுக்கு https://sangamtranslationsbyvaidehi.com/
CEPF ( Hotspot Hero award )
Western Ghats and Sri Lanka Biodiversity Hotspot
Subbaiah Bharathidasan, co-founder and secretary, Arulagam, India
Subbaiah Bharathidasan was born in India and has been involved with the conservation movement since 1992. He started out as an environmental journalist, and later served as a renewable energy advocate and a technical adviser at a government botanical nursery. He has written several Tamil-language books about the environment, and he regularly contributes to wildlife and environmental magazines. He is also one of the founders and the current secretary of Arulagam, a nonprofit organization that seeks to conserve nature for the benefit of all living things.
With support from a series of CEPF grants dating back to 2009, Arulagam established a program to protect vultures in Tamil Nadu State. Vulture populations had fallen sharply due to use of diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory drug) by veterinarians and cattle owners. Vultures are exposed when they feed on carcasses of livestock treated with the drug.
Gyps Carnival - Jan 2015
For the first time in Asia – Carnival with focus on conservation art (scientific art) to promote vulture conservation was conducted at Vel’s Vidyashram, Pallavaram, Chennai on 3rd and 4th January, 2015.
Signature Campaign to Save Vulture
International Vulture Awareness Day celebrated in the Nilgiris on 06/09/2014
The signature campaign was inaugurated at Smyrna Home, Ooty on 6.9.2014 at 10.30 P.M. Sixty students and staffs from Smyrna Home attended the campaign. The programme was inaugurated by Sr. Dr. Nirmala, Principal, Jayaraj Annbakiyam Women's College, Periyakulam of Tamilnadu.
During her inaugural speech, she pointed out that animals and birds are facing great threat due to anthropogenic activities. She stressed the immediate steps needed to save Vultures and other species.
Karthiga Rajkumar, President, Arulgam presided over the function while S.Bharadhidasan, Secretary, Arulagam addressed Vultures and their importance among the gathering. The students were interestingly participated and penned their signature on the 300 meter cotton cloth banner. Message ‘I am a friend of Vulture and I am proud of that” and Shun diclofenac and Save Vulture was written in the banner for getting signature.
Then the banner was shifted to Botanical Garden, Ooty for the participation of tourists. The signature banner was displayed in the main gate of the Botanical Garden. Audiences were curiously to know about the vulture and about the banned drug diclofenac. Nearly 4000 tourists from various states of India have placed their signature in the banner and showed their solidarity to save Vultures.
The mass signature campaign conducted from dawn to dusk. The tourist asked questions on vultures. It was well replied by Arulagam team. . Interestingly an auto rickshaw driver voluntarily stopped his vehicle and penned their signature on the banner and showed his interest on Birds.
This Campaign was inaugurated by Mr.C.Bathirasamy, IFS, District Forest Officer, Nilgiri South Forest Division. The Nilgiris.
The programme was organized with the support of CEPF, SAVE and OBC. This event was coordinated by Arulagam team namely Karthiga Rajkumar, President, Mr.S.Bharathidasan,Secretary, Mr. R.Venkitachalam, Biologist, Mr.P.Arunagiri,Sociologist, Mr.C.Paraman, Field organizer and John Kennedy, Volunteer of Arulagam.
Vet for Vulture
As part of the Vulture awareness campaign, International Vulture Awareness Day was celebrated at Damodaran Hall, VCRI Namakkal, Tamil Nadu on 04/09/2014.
The event was inaugurated by Dr. Doraisamy, Deen of the VCRI. During his inaugural speech, he mentioned about veterinarians’ roles in the revival of this species and observed that “Tower of Silence” is silence now without Vultures.
About 150 veterinary students and five Professors actively participated in this program. Welcome speech was given by Dr. Dharmacheelan of VCRI. The chief guest Dr. Parcy Avari, Assistant Professor, Veterinary College, Mumbai elaborately and scientifically addressed among the gathering about Vulture's decline and its importance in the ecosystem. He also explained the testing procedures done on the various drugs. Only Meloxicam drug passed the drug safety test. Students were very enthusiastic and posed various questions to the chief guest.
A signature campaign was initiated among the participants and all of them participated in the event with interest.
S.Bharathidasan, Secretary, Arulagam spoke about the importance of International Vulture Awareness Day and urgent action to be taken by the stakeholders. He also mentioned Vulture in Tamil Sangam Literature and Ramayana. He also welcomed the gathering to join friends of Vulture Group.
Diclofenac ban order, Prescription pad with anti-diclofenac message and brochure on vultures were distributed to the audience. Banner with conservation messages on Vultures was displayed all around the hall.
The program was jointly organized by VCRI, Namakkal and Arulagam with the support of CEPF, SAVE and OBC. This event was coordinated by Arulagam team namely, R.Venkitachalam, Research Biologist, P. Arunagiri, Sociologist, Ramesh, Co-ordinator.
Vulture Conservation Awareness Motor Cycle Rally July 2014
500 kilometre Rally for Establishing Vulture Safe Zone.
Establishing a diclofenac Free Zone is not an endeavor that can be accomplished by a single person, or an organisation. It is a herculean task that requires cooperation from all the stakeholders of the project.
Arulagam has been working towards creating a safe haven for the vultures by establishing a diclofenac free safe zone with the guidance of Tamilnadu Forest Department & Saving Asia’s Vulture from Extinction and with the support of Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
Tirupur IT Association (TITA) wanted to know more about vulture and invited us to take part in their monthly meeting. We got an opportunity to share with them the predicament faced by Vultures. We equated the fight to protect ecosystems and to redeem our depleting natural heritage to the second struggle for independence. It is the right time for starting the march to protect our ecosystem like what we did for freedom struggle.
They found a cause in what we had spoken and asked us how they could take part in the project in their capacity. This discussion also brought to light the fact that they have not been able to see several birds that were regulars just a few years back. They also expressed desire to see them grace the skies yet again.
Why was motor cycle rally chosen for this purpose?
Since we too felt that we need to campaign in different areas of the proposed diclofenac free zone and participants should enjoy the event while creating an impact, We proposed an idea of conducting a motor cycle rally through the hills and opined that will be a great beginning. They agreed to the proposal immediately.
A group of motor cycles with uniform clothing will make heads turn catching their imagination. Such a parade will make people wonder what the purpose of it would be. We chose the bike rally so that we could speak to the public and the pharmacists and veterinarians in particular during the rally and distribute pamphlets and it would be ideal to communicate the message at the heightened state of excitement created due to the event.
One of the participants of the meeting felt that it would be better to have a bicycle rally as that would be more eco-friendly. Even while we fully appreciated their concern and agreed with the benefit of cycling, We explained that it would make sense to use motor cycles as it was a 100 km radius in which we were planning a diclofenac Free Zone and that we need to cover 500 kms in a short time of 2 days. The route was proposed to campaign in the 3 states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka covering a total distance of 500 kms and it would take about 14 days to complete it if were on bicycles. Since we had at our disposal just a Saturday and a Sunday, we had to take up the motor cycle rally as the benefits far outweighed the cost of carbon footprint. When we explained the objectives, constraints and the options, the members unanimously agreed to the motor cycle rally. We requested participants who were willing to register for the rally on July 12th and 13th, a maximum of 20 motor cycles with 40 participants (a rider with a pillion rider). But we received a total of 48 registrations which was more than expected!
When to start and where?
Tirupur is often associated with two aspects – one that it is the dollar city as it has earned the nick name due to its enormous exports of knitted wear and the second is that of a tenacious freedom fighter, who is known along with the city’s name – Tirupur Kodikatha Kumaran.
We would like to share a very important part of history connected to the late freedom fighter Tirupur Kumaran and the reason for his name ‘Kodikatha’ at this moment.
In the year 1932, the great Indian freedom struggle was at its peak. Gandhiji announces Civil Disobedience Movement. A revolution follows throughout India. It echoes in Tirupur of Tamilnadu as well. On the 11th of January 1932, a strike was announced by Desabandhu Youth Association. Kumaran, a 30 year old youth leads a group of volunteers, carrying the Indian tricolour flag. As the procession approaches the Tirupur railway station, they are stopped by the police. Kumaran proceeds in spite of being restrained. The policeman roars at him to put the flag down and warns him of dire consequences should he not obey him. Some of the protestors take to their heels at this altercation. None of these deter the determined Kumaran. He continues his march. The policemen rain heavy blows on him with their huge canes (lathis) indiscriminately. Some of the blows land on his head. He bleeds profusely. Even the injury or fear of further damage doesn’t deter Kumaran one bit. He holds on to the flag with even more determination. Due to severe loss of blood and trauma, Kumaran faints. He dies on the same day at the hospital. That he held fast the flag braving death, earned him the name ‘Kodikatha’ Kumaran (the one who protected the flag).
In memory of the late leader, we decided to begin the rally right where he breathed his last for the cause of Indian freedom. The reason was that as the people participated in the freedom struggle voluntarily and attained freedom, they should now come forward for the cause of the environment and its fauna like vultures as well. As decided, 48 people on 24 motor cycles assembled on that day at the Tirupur Kodikatha Kumaran’s memorial. Kumaran held our tricolour in 1932 and our youth held placards which create awareness on protecting vultures.
Day 1- Tirupur to Nilgiris
The rally was flagged off by Poet Mr. Kalimuthu with the blessings of the late freedom fighter. Kalimuthu wished the participants well and sent them off on the rally. We also invited Mr. Asokan, Secretary, Tirupur Drug and Chemist Association as a one of the chief guest. In his speech he spoke about the dangers of the drug diclofenac on vultures and assured that he would do everything possible in his capacity to prevent the sale of the drug in pharmacies. He assured strong support for the cause of the vultures.
Before starting the rally, we had a chance to read the greeting messages sent by Mr. Kasiraman, Secretary, Kovai Nilgiri District Drug and Chemist Association, Mr.Jack Turdoff, Grant Director, CEPF, Mr.Chris Bowden, Programme officer, Saving Asia’s Vulture from Extinction and Mr. Karthika Rajkumar President, Arulagam. The rally commenced at Tirupur and went through two sanctuaries (Muthanga & Wayanad) and four tiger reserves (Mudumalai, Bandipur, Sathyamangalam and Biligiri Rangan Betta).
Throughout the rally’s route, the participants met people who were either pharmacists or cattle farmers and spoke to them on the dangers faced by vultures due to the usage of diclofenac in cattle treatment and requested them to shun the use of diclofenac for the sake of the vultures and thereby our environment. They also met public and appraised them on the dangers of carcass poisoning which is done by aggrieved farmers to avenge their loss of cattle to predators too, as even this posed a major risk to vultures. The dangers posed by forest fire were also mentioned and that preventing forest fires was everyone’s responsibility.
It was raining incessantly. In spite of heavy rain, the participants proceeded enthusiastically enjoying the sight of elephants and deer while passing through the jungle roads.
Throughout the rally, the team was given a warm welcome and send off by various forest department and animal husbandry officials encouraging them on their good deed. Onlookers were amazed at the sight of 20 motorcycles braving the rain and moving in a single file on a mission to protect vultures. They had only seen youth from the plains visiting Ooty to have fun and this was a unique experience for them seeing determined youth marching together for the cause of vultures and they were very appreciative of the spirit of the TITA youth.
To commemorate the special occasion of the rally, a huge signage on awareness of vulture conservation was inaugurated at Kothagiri by Mr. Srinivasa Reddy, Project Director, HADP. Mr. Sugirtharaj Koilpillai, District Forest Officer of Nilgiri North, Mr. Badrasamy, District Forest Officer for Nilgiri South and Mr. Udayakumar, Range Officer took part in the event. The participants of the rally were welcomed by Mr. Karthiga Rajkumar, President, Arulagam along with the children of the SMYRNA home.
While we came across Dr.Sukumaran (Good Samaritan veterinarian) residence at Gudalur, we stopped and honoured him for his contribution for establishing Vultue safe Zone. He voluntarily sent letters to his colleagues and urging them to stop using diclofenac in cattle treatment and we were moved by his noble act. We gave him a small memento to show our respect and gratitude to him for his care for vultures.
The team reached Mudumalai in the night. Range Officer of Mr. Pushpakaran, Mudumalai gave a talk on the forest and wildlife.
Day 2- Towards Muthanga and Bandipur
Next day, the rally proceeded to Muthanga sanctuary. Members of the Malabar Natural History Society and RASTA were waiting to welcome the rally participants from the morning. Dy. Forest Range Officer Anilkumar said that meeting people in this manner will produce the desired results in conservation. It was a noble gesture that volunteers in 10 motor cycles accompanied the rally participants till the rally reached Karnataka to show solidarity in the purpose of conservation.
When our team reached Karnataka, the team was received by Mr. Rajkumar, Founder, Wildlife Conservation Foundation (WCF) and Honarary Wildlife Warden of Bandipur Tiger Reserve and Mr. Paramesh, Forest Range Officer. A small meeting was organised and they spoke of the importance of wildlife conservation. There was a discussion during which participants expressed their views and experience on the rally. One of the participants, Palanisamy said that he had joined the rally as he would do for any outing looking for fun. But on attending the rally, he understood so much about nature and he said he had learnt to love and respect nature.
Each member took leave of the other with a satisfaction of having done something good and filled with fond memories of nature and friendship during the rally. They took oath to stand for nature. Mr. Amsa, a naturalist observed that our amazing times will be when we see vultures nest in our villages. We are all expecting that day, participant said unanimously.
We would like to thank Forest Department of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka and the members of Arulagam, Tirupur Information Technology Association, RASTA, MNHS, SYMRYNA Home, WWF- India, Shola Trust and Wildlife Conservation Foundation (WCF), Mr. Kalyanasundaram Perumal, Mrs. Pooja for the contribution and making this as a successful event. We also thank CEPF for supporting our vulture conservation effort.
Benefits of Palm Tree
Benefits of Palm Tree published in THE HINDU tamil version.....
Source : THE HINDU (Tamil)
Web-Link : http://tamil.thehindu.com/opinion/reporter-page/ககலாேமா- கபக-த/article5340630.ece
To open PDF directly, click here.
Human Chain rally @Punsai Puliampatty
Human Chain Rally @Punsai Puliampatty Against Diclofenac
Date : 06th Feb,2014 Place : Puliampatti Market Time : 10.30 - 11.30 AM
Arulagam with the support of CEPF and in co-ordination with TamilNadu Forest Department is working towards the conservation of Vultures. As part of the ongoing conservation work, human chain rally against the use of Diclofenac,a banned drug for Cattle happened at Puliampatti. Accepting our invitation, Bhavani sagar MLA Mr.P.L.Sundharam presided over the function while Mr.P.A.S.Anbu, Punsai puliampatti President inaugurated the function. Mr.P.Selvam, District Panchayat Head,Erode also participated in the function. Various environmentalists and nature lovers participated in the event.So as to emphasize the importance of Vultures, their importance to the environment & human beings and also to inform the people about their plight especially to Cattle owners, the function was held at Puliampatti Weekly market. On behalf of Vulture conservation team Mr.Kalyanasundaram welcomed the gathering. Mr.Venkitachalam, Researcher explained to the people about Vulture conservation.In tamil, Paaru means Vultures and the words were used by tribals. Bill boards and banners were placed at various places in and around the propaganda areato attract and drum beat the importance of Vultures and shun the banned drug Diclofenac for cattle. Pamphlets were also distributed to the people requesting the people to stop administering Diclofenac for cattle. Mr.Paraman,Arulagam Sathyamangalam co-ordinator arranged for the function.
Synchronized Vulture Survey - Feb 2014
In co-ordination with Tamil Nadu Forest Department, Arulagam organized Synchronized Vulture Survey in Nilgiri North Forest Division and Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve on 21st, 22nd & 23rd Feb'14.
About 30 bird watchers volunteered their time and participated in the survey, The synchronized survey was carried out using Vantage Point survey method. Eleven Vantage Points were selected in Sathamangalam Tiger Reserve and nine in Nilgiri North Forest Division for this purpose. The occurrence of the vultures in different habitats were recorded.
Wildlife Article Count: 42
Vulture Conservation Article Count: 27
River Moyar Conservation Article Count: 6
Tiger Conservation Article Count: 3
Renewable Energy Article Count: 1
Petitions Article Count: 1
Publications Article Count: 1
Articles Article Count: 21
Community Article Count: 12
Nursery and Afforestation Article Count: 7
Coastal Conservation Article Count: 1
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