Nursery and Afforestation

Fruit Yielding Trees & Bushes

Fruit Yielding Trees & Bushes

  1. Neem: Azadirachta indica
  2. Peepul: Ficus religiosa
  3. Ficus: Ficus recemosa
  4. Singapore Cherry / Jamaican Cherry: Muntingia calabura
  5. Paper mulberry: Broussonetia papyrifera
  6. Banyan: Ficus benghalensis
  7. Mulberry: Morus alba
  8. Jamun: Syzygium cumini
  9. Bastard's Sandle: Erythroxylum monogynum
  10. Indian Snow Berry: Securinega leucopyrus

'Arulagam' was founded in 2002 as a non-profit organisation in honour and memory of Mr. Arulmozhi, who inspired many of his friends, including ourselves – the members of Arulagam – through his commitment to environmental conservation. We believe that regardless of its value to humanity, every form of life and its ecosystem is unique.


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