Service Learning Project at Allimoyar
Date: Dec 9-23, 2010
Venue: Allimoyar Tribal Hamlet, Thengumarahada Village, Nilgiris.
Organisers: Arulagam and Coast-2-Coast, Singapore.
Target group: School Children and Village Youth.
Purpose: To spread environmental awareness, experimental learning and facilitate basic infrastructure.
Medium: Art, Music, Painting, Sports, personal interaction, tree planting, books and printed materials.
Arulagam conducted a 14-day Service Learning project along with Coast-2-Coast, Singapore at Allimoyar Tribal Hamlet, Thenghumarada Village, Nilgiris North Forest Division. The social service activity happened during December 09, 2010 – December 23, 2010 at Allimoyar situated in the banks of river Moyar in Nilgiris North Forest Division. Latitude and longitude for our project site is 11.56565N & 76.97541E and 11.55686N & 76.95135E. 13 Volunteers from Coast2Coast and equal number of volunteers from Arulagam jointly worked in various activities.
The following activities were conducted in the Allimoyar tribal hamlet:
- Painting of mural with environmental theme at Government Tribal Residential Middle School and village.
- Experiential learning and enrichment workshops (e.g. Science experiments)
- Art Demonstration in schools (Origami, an art from recycled materials & waste etc)
- Building of Library shelves and donation of books to the Allimoyar village
- Playground renovation work for youths
- Beautification of school building
Members of Coast-2-Coast organization set-up a library for not only the school, but also for the village. Playground was created as part of the programme and the school classroom walls were cleaned and painted. This resulted in the beautification of school. Not to mention, tree plantation was organized as part of the programme.
Apart from lectures on Indian History and Tribal people, Environment awareness was also provided to the participants with the help of the members of ARULAGAM during their 10-day stay in SWS. The team of XI spent first 10-days at Allimoyar village and the last 4-days were spent at east coast of India near Kanyakumari towards Mangrove plantation.
Please find the article about Mangrove plantation by Coast-2-coast volunteers in THE HINDU. (http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/article1031360.ece)
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