Mangrooves Conservation

அடுத்த சந்ததி துளிர்விட்டு நிற்கும் காட்சி

கழிமுகத்தில் காட்சி

அலையாத்தி மரம் வளர்ந்துவரும் காட்சி

அவிசினியா மரம் வளர்ந்துள்ள காட்சி


Coastal ecosystems, which include bays, estuaries, mangroves, salt marshes, and wetlands, are unique ecosystems with a wide range of life diversity and high productivity. Also, there is a higher density of people who rely on the sea for their livelihood. Many socioeconomic and climatic effects threaten this entire environment, including people and their livelihoods. As a result, we have been working closely at the grassroots level to facilitate communication between the government and communities in order to ensure that knowledge is linked, communicated, and transformed. We collaborate directly with stakeholders to improve capacity to solve sensitive concerns in biodiversity, ecosystems, and human communities. Enhancing community participation in coastal cleanup drives, socio-economic implications, and developing exposures among women involved in estuarine fishing are also priorities. Enhancing community participation in coastal cleanup drives, socio-economic implications, and developing exposure among women involved in estuarine fishing are also priorities. On this foundation, we are launching natural resource management projects with other partners along the understudied coastal regions of Southern India.